Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dark matter and dark energy

What does it mean when scientists talk about dark matter and dark energy? It means the Big Bang theory doesn’t fit with observation, and they have to make up stuff (dark energy, dark matter) in order to make the theory fit observation. But dark matter and dark energy are purely hypothetical and ad hoc constructions to save the theory. They’ve never been detected.

“Au contraire, mon frere, dark matter and dark energy have been detected. We know they exist because observation doesn’t fit theory. And observation doesn’t fit theory because dark energy and dark matter are there complicating things.”

The only proof scientists have that their hypothetical dark matter exists is that their theory doesn’t work without it. That’s ridiculous. Bits of visible matter in the distant universe don’t move the way theory says they should, therefore that means dark matter exists. Double ridiculous. Rather than say the theory is disproved by observation, scientists say observation proves the existence of an unseen type of matter and energy. Triple ridiculous.

We know it exists because our theory doesn’t work without it. That’s the proof for dark matter and dark energy.

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