One thing it is of vital importance to understand is that when one moves from “here” to “there” in space, one is not actually moving in space; rather, one is moving in time. When I arrive “there,” “there” is not the same “there” to which I determined to move when I was “here.”
Let me explain in detail. Let’s say I am standing at a position X at 7:01 PM. We’ll combine this to read X7:01, a timespace position. I determine that I wish to move to position Y (perhaps Y is a spot across the room, over by the sofa). I do so, arriving at Y at 7:02 PM. Y7:02. When I look back to X from Y7:02, I am looking back at X7:02, not X7:01. X7:01 is now in a part of a space which I can no longer see. It is part of the past. Likewise, when I was standing at X7:01, looking across the room and deciding to move to position Y, I was actually deciding to move to Y7:01. But instead, I moved to Y7:02. I did not move across the intervening space from X7:01 to Y7:01. I moved across the intervening time from X7:01 to Y7:02. One can never be in two spatially contiguous places at the same time. I can never move from X7:01 to Y7:01. Nothing can ever move from X7:01 to Y7:01. Motion through space is impossible, without also moving through time.
Indeed, the part of me that determined to leave position X7:01 never actually left it. Even as I arrive at Y7:02, that other part of me is still there at X7:01. When I stand at Y7:02 and look back at X, I do not see that part, because I am looking at X7:02, not X7:01.
How are spaces connected in time? What velocity is necessary to move me from one moment to the next, from one position in time to another? I don’t mean spatial velocity, the force I need to achieve to propel myself from X to Y. I mean, what force, what velocity through time, is necessary to move me from X7:01 to X7:02? Because a force, a velocity, must be required, whether I am moving or stationary in the spatial part of timespace. We are all of us being propelled through timespace whether we wish it or not. Some velocity, some force, must therefore be exerted upon us to propel us from X7:01 to X7:02, in addition to the force I must exert to move from X7:01 to Y7:02.
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