Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Sure it's wrong, but we knew it all along."


     "The reigning theory of particle physics may be flawed, according to new evidence that a subatomic particle decays in a certain way more often than it should, scientists announced."
     The hell you say. Color me all kinds of surprised that the Standard Model may be flawed. And yes, I know the operative words are "may be." 
     "But many physicists suspect the Standard Model has some holes in it..."
     In other words, "We knew it was wrong all along." BS!
     Time to get out the spackle and start filling in those holes, eh, boys? Dark matter, dark energy...what are you going to pull out of your butts this time?
     The thing that really irritates me about stuff like this is, people like me get ridiculed for saying that currently accepted theories are wrong. Mainstream people call us crackpots. They say we don't really understand the theories, because if we did, we would agree with them. You can't challenge the accepted theories, because you can't argue with the evidence.
     But...is it that I and other crackpots don't really understand the theories, or is it quite possible that we do understand them, better than those who adhere to the theories? Maybe we understand them so thoroughly that we see what bunk the theories are. 
     It doesn't matter that I don't understand the math behind the theories and couldn't perform one of the sort required by theory if my life depended on it. I understand the concepts behind the theories, and if the concepts are bullshit, then no matter how correct the math is, the theory is still bullshit. If the theory is wrong, you can doodle all sorts of equations onto a blackboard and insist that your theory is correct, but wrong is wrong, no matter what sort of mathematical acrobatics you perform.
     Mainstream people also say, "Well, you don't have an alternative to the standard theories. At least we've got something." So what? I don't believe in things simply because there is no viable alternative out there. I don't know what the correct theories are, but I know what they aren't. They aren't the Standard Model, and they aren't Relativity, and they aren't quantum mechanics.

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