Monday, July 2, 2012

God particle almost certainly does exist - Ha! More B.S.

From the article:

"Scientists working at the world’s biggest atom smasher plan to announce Wednesday that they have gathered enough evidence to show that the long-sought “God particle” answering fundamental questions about the universe almost certainly does exist."

"...aren't quite ready to say they've 'discovered' the particle."

"...about as close as you can get to a discovery without actually calling it one."

What? This is about the biggest non-announcement I've ever heard. Sorry, but "almost" doesn't count. That's like going around bragging that you almost had sex with Jennifer Aniston. You either did or you didn't. There's no "almost" about it. If you say you "almost" did something, then you didn't do it. End of story.

This is a non-discovery. They've not discovered anything, yet they're trying to present it as if they have. No dice. I don't want to hear about the Higgs boson again until they can actually say they've discovered it. 

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